2024 Prayer

The Power of Prayer

We know that prayer is powerful, and we want to be a praying church. Throughout this coming year, we will have a special prayer focus for each month that we can pray about together.

For the month of JULY, our prayer focus will be on our CHURCH AS WE JOURNEY THROUGH THIS PASTOR SEARCH PROCESS. We want to make sure that we continue to be faithful to all that God is calling us to be as a church. We want to be prepared spiritually for how God will use us now and in the future when we call our next senior pastor. Here are specific things that you, your family, your BFG…and when we gather corporately…can pray for this month:

  • Pray during this search time that we continue to seek God Himself. Pray that the church will be drawn closer to Jesus and that they will obey Him as the true head of the church.
  • Pray for a powerful move of individual and congregational spiritual renewal.
  • Pray for strong consistency and focus on the church's present ministry as we continue to take new ground. Pray for God to grant great power to our staff and volunteers.
  • Pray for a powerful sense of love and unity among all members of the church.
  • Pray that we will be prepared to make the necessary changes to embrace a new day of ministry. Pray for God to prepare us to change and grow with graciousness and unity so we can be the church He has called us to be.
  • Pray that we will patiently await God’s timing and settle for nothing less than His perfect will. Ask God for His mercy in giving us a true man of God and a great leader.
  • Pray that all church members will humbly set aside individual expectations or agendas for our church and our new pastor and seek God’s heart for FBC Allen. Pray that all will be receptive to God doing something new in the congregation and accept His perfect will above our own desires.

Our hope is for you to pray for 2-3 specific items each day. As you see God working and answering these prayers, we would love to hear about it.

Use the form below to share stories of God answering your prayers or ways we, as a church, can pray for you.



“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 (CSB)